Multilevel Marketing of Medicinal Drugs is the Topics. It is written so as to study and observe various aspects of promoting medicinal Drugs by Multilevel marketing by Medical Professional and also by Non Medical Persons.
Friday, April 30, 2010
No more gifts to Doctors…from pharmaceutical companies.
Recent or latest news is regarding the regulatory action on doctors accepting or demanding gift ( in various forms) from pharmaceutical company.
This action is regarding doctors and on doctors only…and no clarification from association or authorities concerned with pharmaceutical companies.( not highlighted )
This action is in the form of rules and regulations.
These rules are under legal head as it includes various fine, imprisonment or withholding registration of doctors.
Why medical council has made such regulations?
It was noticed that some doctors were doing unethical practice of using unnecessary new and costly antibiotics as a routine…so as to get commission in various forms from pharmaceutical companies.
These things are certainly against the humanity.
For our own benefit no one has right to play with any other’s health.
So the ethical or decent doctors will not be against the medical council’s new regulations.
Are Doctors targeted?
What’s wrong in it?
In this world of advertisement and in this world of corruption, how one can exclude medical profession?...
Since doctors are part of society, born and brought in the same environment as all others, if doctors are behaving like all other people, why they are only targeted?
The honest answer is – no particular class is targeted…as rules and regulations are coming up for all…so to doctors also.
There is nothing wrong in it.
Doctors accepting gifts from pharmaceutical companies…
There is nothing wrong in it.
But the question again comes on the issue of advertisement or promoting sale. If any person…any person related to product or not related to product can promote a product and earn money…why doctors can not do it?…
If doctors not only promotes the particular drug but in real word helps a particular pharmaceutical company to make their profits in millions of rupees...and from that profit…if a particular doctor is expecting a share in minimal percentage…what is wrong in it?
In the same but little bit different way if any particular doctor is promoting drug or making sale of drug of any particular pharmaceutical company’s drug through a multilevel marketing …also called as chain marketing or network marketing is there anything wrong in it?
There is nothing wrong in it.
Main Topic

Multilevel Marketing of Medicinal Drugs and Doctors
Why any pharmaceutical company is using the way of multilevel marketing?
It is the general observation that the particular company is choosing a different norm of promoting product in a market by chain or under the name multilevel marketing…so as to get maximum benefit to some of the initiator persons or to such group.
It is also observed that the cost of such product rises from it’s production cost by 5 to 10 times more.
And under attractive plan of marketing structure the product moves…
Is Multilevel Marketing by doctors is unethical?
As far as ethics are concerned for recent medical profession…it is now time to change the concept of ethics.
In this modern word of ambition, modern world of competition, modern world of high living standard, if a particular doctor has a ability to do any sort of side business…why one should object?
Till today nobody has taken objection and nobody is against it.
As multilevel marketing is one of the popularized ways of doing marketing of products…under the head business with small investment and no risk…if any particular doctor is doing it as a side business nobody should take concern on it.
So with out using complicated term ethics…one should not react or comments on the doctors involved or doing multilevel or chain marketing.
Will the multilevel marketing of medicinal drugs be of future’s concern?
Answer is yes.
Let it review by two ways.
One is multilevel marketing by doctors.
If doctors are promoting medicinal drug…including tonics…and making profits…this thing will affect on profit of middle agencies. So these middle agencies may choose some other way to maintain their profit and business…and multilevel marketing by doctor’s will be the concerned for them.
But the big concern may be of doctors may start prescribing or promoting or using the particular medicinal drug with out proper indication…by keeping eye on his commission or profit.
Another way of concern is non medical professionals doing multilevel marketing of medicinal drugs.
No one can exclude the likely possibility of unnecessary more use of medicinal drugs…though in tonic form with out proper knowledge…by keeping eye on their commission or profit.
Will these things gives rise to new sort of quacks in medical profession?
This the real concern as far as health of society is concerned.
So this may be like wrong weapon in right hands or right weapon in wrong hands…and in both the cases disaster is unavoidable.
Is the time to react at least?

Is it the need of today? Or Should we all observe and wait till future pressurize to react?
Should some proper action should be taken against the multilevel marketing of…at least medicinal drugs?
It’s now time to think seriously on the subject…
If qualified doctors are prevented to accept any sort of commission or even gift by pharmaceutical companies…how one can ignore the fact of commission given by pharmaceutical company to doctors or non medical persons to promote the drug?
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