Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Doctors should be choosy…as MLM may be fraud

Multilevel marketing can be fraud?
Answer can be both Yes and No.
Yes…if multilevel marketing is practiced by an inexperienced group or groups of people and done by unethical ways…And No…if it is done by experienced and ethical peoples.
About the experience of particular marketing company can be judged easily but to know whether it is doing marketing by ethical or unethical ways needs little analysis.
Recently concept of multilevel marketing has been defamed due to one online marketing company.
For a common people it is very essential to differentiate marketing strategy of particular company.
Need to differentiate between the real marketing of products and marketing of unknown products which is being done by networking or chain scheme only.
Need is to differentiate between direct selling company and third party seller.
If products are known and well accepted or reputed then person failed should blame self.
And if products are unknown then deceived person has to blame self.
And most important…If the marketing plan or policy of particular company keeps on changing then the person who has lost his money can blame his luck.
Doctor may also be trapped in such fraud as Doctor is also a common man as far as this huge world of marketing is concerned.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Few Doctors are succeeded in Multi level marketing.

Who should do what is that person’s choice…But one should be aware that your success depends on your personality and your devotion.
The important part is your aim to join such called chain marketing…if it is not money and other else you may quit it after achieving your aim.
Unfortunately there number of frauds in these types of marketing and some one may deceive you…which are applicable to all. 
Part time business or additional income is the words to which Doctors gets attracted…and it is nothing but natural.
So it is must that any person taking interest in such type of market should assess self or he will have to blame such marketing after his failure.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

No any legal ban on participation of Doctors in Multilevel marketing.

Doctors are still respected class of society irrespective his economical status.
And the people in general believe that they are intelligent.
So the founders of network marketing and seniors are often aims to get them involved in such marketing especially for health related products…so it becomes very easy them to give example.
Till the date there is no any kind of rule which can prevent Doctors from doing marketing by any kind of method except advertisement…which is not allowed ethically.
Few years back one of the pharma companies had introduced such type marketing for their surgical product but it was not succeeded as Doctors themselves banned such activity.
So in short Doctors know very well what is ethical and what the moral way practicing medical profession is.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ban advertisement and multilevel marketing of Health related products.

Products related to health which are advertised are like…Foot massager…Fat burner equipments…Acupressure foot wares…Magnetic beds, belts…etcetera…Weight loosing herbal capsules…Rings to prevent bad evils…बुरी नजर...

Some chose the method of multi level marketing for marketing them. No authority is control over it.

Who regulates or does standardization or test of efficacy of such products?

The real question is media making news of various issues related to doctors is not concerned about health of people…rather they are contributing and helping to promote such things by allowing advertisements of such products in form of show.

Is it not unethical to advertise such health related products?

Is it not unethical to promote such health related products by multi level marketing?